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@mackvorkian Hey @robwald On stocks like GLD / GLDJ / AEM -etc - definitely tech anal is very valuable. Many years ago I used a very sophisticated very expensive trading platform - it works. A friend who trades spends a lot of money on info. What are we doing here? Most of us know a lot about Gold, Gold mining, the DR, GQC, and talk with the guys running the company. We also know a lot about the macro picture. In our own way, many of us are sophisticated. We are also risk takers. Today, volume is UP and the s/p is UP and the POG is UP. The TREND is your friend and the Trend of GQC's s/p is UP. The POG is UP and in a serious bull market. AEM took notice of GQC years ago. Finally some powerful rich f Hey @robwald On stocks like GLD / GLDJ / AEM -etc - definitely tech anal is very valuable. Many years ago I used a very sophisticated very expensive trading platform - it works. A friend who trades spends a lot of money on info. What are we doing here? Most of us know a lot about Gold, Gold mining, the DR, GQC, and talk with the guys running the company. We also know a lot about the macro picture. In our own way, many of us are sophisticated. We are also risk takers. Today, volume is UP and the s/p is UP and the POG is UP. The TREND is your friend and the Trend of GQC's s/p is UP. The POG is UP and in a serious bull market. AEM took notice of GQC years ago. Finally some powerful rich families in the DR provided almost $9 mill in financing. imo, they would not have done this unless they had certainty. With as powerful and great a macro picture as one could ask for and the POG approaching $3000 any day, the FUNDAMENTALS COULDN'T BE LOOKING BETTER !! + 50 more words. Click to expand
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian On December 4th, 2024 China announced the halt of shipments of five critical metals to the United States. These elements include antimony, gallium, germanium, tungsten and indium.
from #cdpr,
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@mackvorkian On December 4th, 2024 China announced the halt of shipments of five critical metals to the United States. These elements include antimony, gallium, germanium, tungsten and indium.
from #fwz,
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@mackvorkian Bob Moriarty quote / Feb 18 "The election of Donald Trump has created an entirely new opportunity for the country. Instead of funding some of the most irrational grants by USAID, Trump’s guys understand the US is functionally bankrupt. We need a reset, a reformation, as it were of the debt-based system where 32% of the economy consists of shuffling pieces of paper around while only 10% consists of making things and mining is less that 1% of the economy. Under Trump it’s going to be a whole new world for mining. The mountains of paperwork and stupid red tape are going to be ripped off like yanking a bandage off. Mining is going to thrive else the country joins the rest of the third world shit Bob Moriarty quote / Feb 18 "The election of Donald Trump has created an entirely new opportunity for the country. Instead of funding some of the most irrational grants by USAID, Trump’s guys understand the US is functionally bankrupt. We need a reset, a reformation, as it were of the debt-based system where 32% of the economy consists of shuffling pieces of paper around while only 10% consists of making things and mining is less that 1% of the economy. Under Trump it’s going to be a whole new world for mining. The mountains of paperwork and stupid red tape are going to be ripped off like yanking a bandage off. Mining is going to thrive else the country joins the rest of the third world shit holes. Our country has a rich heritage of mining and it is about to be renewed because if we do not rebuild mining we aren’t going to be producing anything at all." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am agreeing with Bob. NDM has been in permitting hell for far too long. The latest news might mean that NDM's troubles are almost over. + 60 more words. Click to expand
from #ndm,
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@mackvorkian For the last couple of months GQC has been flat at around 29 - 30 cents. Now it is breaking out higher. The macro picture re the POG has never been better. At a Buy Out at $350 cad / $250 US an ounce GQC is worth $1 Billion. This would include the huge potential upside that more drilling would discover. With the present m/c of $117 mil that's roughly a 8.5 x upside = $3.25 cad a share. Buy outs have generally gone for less. but we are in a whole new world now. The Capex will be cheap. These numbers are conservative. Buckle up. And yes, I haven't been to the DR for many years - I was pissed - but- I'll head back after pay day and sit on the beach at the Iberostar in Puerto Plata and have me For the last couple of months GQC has been flat at around 29 - 30 cents. Now it is breaking out higher. The macro picture re the POG has never been better. At a Buy Out at $350 cad / $250 US an ounce GQC is worth $1 Billion. This would include the huge potential upside that more drilling would discover. With the present m/c of $117 mil that's roughly a 8.5 x upside = $3.25 cad a share. Buy outs have generally gone for less. but we are in a whole new world now. The Capex will be cheap. These numbers are conservative. Buckle up. And yes, I haven't been to the DR for many years - I was pissed - but- I'll head back after pay day and sit on the beach at the Iberostar in Puerto Plata and have me a Presidente - a delightful light beer and have a Dominican stogie, + 13 more words. Click to expand
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian GoldQuest PDAC Exhibitor BOOTH 2844 @Diacon
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian Go to the PDAC website . I put this info up a couple weeks ago. GQC will be there. GoldQuest Mining Corp. www.goldquestcorp.com Booth No.2844 Exhibitor Type: Investors Exchange
from #gqc,
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@Diacon @mackvorkian GQC is not DR. At least not yet . Lol!
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian @Diacon What are you talking about? Go to the PDAC website. Look under exhibitors under G as in Gold Quest as in GQC .
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian We could hit 40 cents this week and hold and get ready for the next leg up. I want the s/p to be as high as possible before the NEWS hits so we cab rise up from that new higher level. I am expecting various news releases , bang bang bang. A double from here in a heartbeat.
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian Remember this News from ----- VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GoldQuest Mining Corp. (TSXV:GQC, “GoldQuest” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that recent changes to the Dominican Republic’s environmental regulations are expected to enable the Company to advance the Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for its wholly-owned gold and copper discovery at the Romero project, located in San Juan province. The Company believes that the regulatory changes permit GoldQuest to engage formally with the Ministry of Environment by applying for the issuance of the Terms of Reference, a key step in the project development process. Remember this News from ----- VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GoldQuest Mining Corp. (TSXV:GQC, “GoldQuest” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that recent changes to the Dominican Republic’s environmental regulations are expected to enable the Company to advance the Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for its wholly-owned gold and copper discovery at the Romero project, located in San Juan province. The Company believes that the regulatory changes permit GoldQuest to engage formally with the Ministry of Environment by applying for the issuance of the Terms of Reference, a key step in the project development process. Previously, the Ministry of Environment was unable to review mining project applications without Presidential approval. The Company has already begun preparing its formal application to obtain the Terms of Reference, marking the first step toward advancing the Romero project. "This regulatory change is expected to permit GoldQuest to carry out studies that allow us to demonstrate the environmental feasibility of our Romero project and at the same time respond to the environmental concerns that the province of San Juan has," said Luis Santana, CEO of GoldQuest. "The company is funded to initiate a full Feasibility Study (FS), building on our existing Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS), once the necessary approvals are obtained." + 109 more words. Click to expand
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian Somebody sold at Market and the s/p went for a heave. No fundamental reason whatsoever for the drop in price. Sentiment plays a huge part in these jrs. Yes, AZS is looking for Gold as in MORE GOLD. they already have lots. Open pit mines are cheap to build and decent sized ones make a lot of money. These guys keep enlarging the foot print. Mike is possibly the best operator I have ever seen.
from #azs,
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@mackvorkian Do we doubt that Barrick would like to lock up GQC' s claim? And what about Agnico? I an not looking at a buy out at any where near this s/p at 30 or 50% prem. Butttt, a show of interest would not be a bad thing. $3000 Gold will rock the PM space. It is a very powerful psychological marker. And with the news re Trump auditing Fort Knox, that is reawakening interest by retail investors in Gold and Mining stocks as an investment. A gold rush is inevitable.
from #gqc,
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@Goldboy1 @mackvorkian Fully agree with you Mac. Way too early for any deal. We need drill results and progress on the permit with POG rising all the time. 3300 gold this year is very feasible and maybe even conservative. We are in a gold bull stagflationary era which will see gold and the miners outperform all other sectors including mag 7 and bitcoin.
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian What reason do the DR Govt guys have for even going to the BiG Show - the PDAC - if they don't come bearing gifts after screwing investors all these years? I hope the guys who did the GQC financing are frlexing their $$$ Muscles - its about time. They must have noticed that the s/p is going up and that they are well into the $$$.
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian Sad - very sad. Come on insiders - buy some shares .
from #spa,
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@Earlyone1 @mackvorkian Agreed it’s very sad although it seems like nothing was spared today in this down day. Is this the beginning of some broader sell off in the markets ?
from #spa,
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@mackvorkian GoldQuest mentioned here. 3 bagger - but it also means the word is getting out. http://www.321gold.com/editorials/sfs/hubbartt022125.html
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian I want to see the s/p significantly higher before we even consider any take out bids.
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian I won't be at the PDAC but I hope that you who go will tell us all about it. I will be interested in hearing about the sentiment / tone of the herd. I would like to hear about what the Reps from the DR are saying. Hopefully we have some News QWIK .
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian Hey @Burlguy You did the right thing. Nothing is a sure thing in this blood sport we know as Jr PM Mining investment. We are up, but no where near the finish line. A black swan can easily come out of no where. I've been at this for about 18 yrs. I've seen it all. Diversification is a lot safer than having all your eggs in one basket. Having said all that, I have a lot of my eggs in GQC and I am hoping to see them hatch very soon.
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian I bought shares cause I like the boy genius - Peter Bell. Well, compared to an old fart like me, he's a young buck. I also like the claims. A lot.
from #klm,
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@mackvorkian 20.5 cad avg
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian Gold took another manipulated hit today. The cartel is just about finished. Amazing how low volume jrs react hard to drop in the POG. Days like this are always a good day to buy more. GQC is holding up fine on low volume. The clock is ticking. NEWS is coming.
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian 142 feet of 1.56 gpt oxide from surface is NOT LOW GRADE TRASH. It's very good. Arizona has great weather for running a mining operation. The infrastructure is as good as it gets. This will be an open pit earth moving operation. Can you imagine sending a shaft down 1500 feet with tunnels coming off it to get 8 gpt Gold? Open pit is fast, cheap, easy, profitable. Many open pit mines can make lots of money at .4 gpt. these 2 holes averaged 1.4 gpt. Consider Fort Knox Gold in Alaska - a very cold place in the middle of nowhere. xxxxxxxx The Fort Knox gold deposit had pre-production Proven and Probable Reserves in 1996 of 158.3 million tonnes @ 0.83 g/t gold with a 0.39 g/t go 142 feet of 1.56 gpt oxide from surface is NOT LOW GRADE TRASH. It's very good. Arizona has great weather for running a mining operation. The infrastructure is as good as it gets. This will be an open pit earth moving operation. Can you imagine sending a shaft down 1500 feet with tunnels coming off it to get 8 gpt Gold? Open pit is fast, cheap, easy, profitable. Many open pit mines can make lots of money at .4 gpt. these 2 holes averaged 1.4 gpt. Consider Fort Knox Gold in Alaska - a very cold place in the middle of nowhere. xxxxxxxx The Fort Knox gold deposit had pre-production Proven and Probable Reserves in 1996 of 158.3 million tonnes @ 0.83 g/t gold with a 0.39 g/t gold cut-off for 4.2 million ounces.[7] After the production of over 7.5 million ounces, at 31 December 2019 Proven and Probable Reserves were 255.8 million tonnes @ 0.3 g/t gold for 2.80 million ounces.[8] xxxxxxxxxxxxx Catch the grade - low - and profitable. + 45 more words. Click to expand
from #azs,
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@mackvorkian AZS will keep drilling and round up 2 million oz. It will dirt cheap to mine. Who Knows? Continued drilling will find lots more on trend.
from #azs,
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@mackvorkian PDAC very soon. I am looking forward to getting some NEWS soon.
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian 2 more treading say til SHOW TIME ! Sure hoping for some timely inspiring NEWS !
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian SOI is severely undervalued. They must have 2 million oz of Gold in Quebec with a $17 mill M/C.
from #soi,
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@mackvorkian Great Presentation. Up on next to no volume. The SPA booth will give the company to opportunity to talk to 1000's of people - as in the kind of people who invest in Mining Stocks. I hope they're taking email addresses and phone numbers. I still get calls from IR guys from other companies. Its called "hustle".
from #spa,
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@mackvorkian I was hoping to see something re Whittle by now.
from #spa,
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@wbs19 @mackvorkian you'd think theyd apply some pressure with Whittle to adjust the project plans prior to PDAC.
from #spa,
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@mackvorkian @Burlguy What does that mean - couple of months for TOR? Does that mean we have to wait a couple more months for the TOR or we have already waited months and the TOR is imminent? If the DR and its local businessmen investors who apparently know ABE are expecting to see a mine before ABE leaves office, this project will need some giddy up an go. What does "keep your eyes open " mean? @Veeblue If I had talked to Bill at the PDAC, I would have asked him - what's up? Did you? Did he have anything to say?
from #gqc,
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@Veeblue @mackvorkian, I had a good conversation with Bill at PDAC. Rest assured it will be a busy year at $GQC from my understanding.
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian @fozzie Why are you buying more? Why is everything so CRYPTIC?
from #gqc,
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@Burlguy @mackvorkian I dont believe todays meetings have happened yet. @fozzie is there in the midst of it. If he says he is buying its because he has good authoritative news. Goldquest hiring a media/public relations officer is a precursor of what is coming quickly, perhaps as soon as this next month.
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian @wbs19 I own shares in a lot of Miners. Consequently, I cannot remember everything. But, my memory tells me that we were going to get Whittle's input last year. As the Presentations are updated, that old info may not be easily available.
from #spa,
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@mackvorkian December 22, 2023 Related Document View PDF Vancouver, B.C., December 22. 2023 - Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. (the "Company" or "Spanish Mountain Gold") (TSX-V: SPA) is pleased to announce it has entered into an agreement with Whittle Consulting Ltd. to conduct an enterprise optimization for its low cost, multi-million ounce open pit Spanish Mountain Gold Project in the Cariboo Gold Corridor near Likely, British Columbia, Canada. The optimization will deploy Whittle Consulting’s Prober-F software, global computing power and experienced team of mining industry professionals to determine the optimal operation and scale, and to help minimize the project's carbon footprint over the life of mine.
from #spa,
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@mackvorkian @wbs19 Yeh - that's what I thought. The new Presentation has if completed in around May ish.
from #spa,
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@mackvorkian I want to see the s/p as high as possible when we actually do get some news. I would rather see it head up form 40 cents than up from 30 cents. I don't doubt that our guys are doing the best thy can. It the stinkin DR that ticks me off.
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian Guy keeps buying lots of shares. This is positive. His other company just got TSX News. This is good.
from #insiders/guy-goulet,
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@mackvorkian Is "pumping" the right word. I have been a shareholder for many yrs, as in many many yrs, as most of the crew here. Enthusiastic might be a better word. 235 meters of 7.9 gpt Gold and 1.4 % Copper has that effect. We all know what we have here. I have never sold a share and I am guessing its the same for most of the longs here. And yeh, I was expecting some news by / at the PDAC
from #gqc,
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@mackvorkian @Earlyone1 Great Video from Canadian Billionaire Er4ic Sprott. I am no ES but my sentiment is the same as his. A GSR of 7 to 1 in the ground will pay off. Even at 10 to 1, Silver should be $290.00 Us an ounce today. There will be a shortfall / deficit of at least 150 million oz of Silver in 2025 - maybe even 250 mill oz short. The stockpiling of Silver is under way right now. Looks like the stock market - which is wayyyy overvalued might be teetering right now and as ES says, that's great for PM stocks.
from #spa,
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@Earlyone1 @mackvorkian Lets hope we see some serious share price revaluation for SPA. As he noted in this interview, his approach to investing in juniors is he looks for ounces in the ground , extreme low valuations and companies that are not on anyone’s radar… SPA is a great example of that!!
from #spa,
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@mackvorkian @Earlyone1 That's the way I see it too.
from #spa,
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@mackvorkian @BigDan I watched that interview. I have followed ES and a raft of others for years. 100 % in agreement with ES. When the COMEX can not longer deliver Physical Silver, the shorts will get roasted and the price of Silver will howl. We are almost there. There will be a 150 mill ox shortfall / deficit this year - at least - and maybe even a 250 mill oz shortfall. There has been a 750 mill oz shortfall over the last 4 years. My take is that JPM had almost consumed all of its stash. the banksters make huge $$$ trading and manipulating the price - at the behest of the US govt to prop up the Dollar. Silver at 820m mill oz mined a yr is only a $25 Billion dollar enterprise. Apple is what - $3.7 Tri @BigDan I watched that interview. I have followed ES and a raft of others for years. 100 % in agreement with ES. When the COMEX can not longer deliver Physical Silver, the shorts will get roasted and the price of Silver will howl. We are almost there. There will be a 150 mill ox shortfall / deficit this year - at least - and maybe even a 250 mill oz shortfall. There has been a 750 mill oz shortfall over the last 4 years. My take is that JPM had almost consumed all of its stash. the banksters make huge $$$ trading and manipulating the price - at the behest of the US govt to prop up the Dollar. Silver at 820m mill oz mined a yr is only a $25 Billion dollar enterprise. Apple is what - $3.7 Trillion with a T. At a GSR of 7 to 1 in the ground, Silver should be at least $150 an oz. At 10 to 1 - a direct connect would be $290 an ounce. so $150 is not a push. 60 % is used for industrial and even strategic purposes now (bombs) . Silver has no substitutes. Bottom line - Once the Comex blows up, we will see $100 + Silver in a heartbeat. + 76 more words. Click to expand
from #cdpr,
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@mackvorkian Don't want to forget to mention - CDPR has a lot of Silver and Gallium. To the tune of $7.5 Billion dollars worth - NET.
from #cdpr,
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