@CEOCA_Ximena CEO.CA would like to welcome Ivan Bebek, Chair and CEO of Coppernico Metals to today’s Ask Me Anything session. Coppernico is a mineral exploration company focused in the pursuit of the discovery of world-class copper-gold deposits in the Americas. The Company’s management and technical teams have a successful track record of raising capital, discovery and monetization of exploration successes. Coppernico is currently focused on the Sombrero Project in Peru and is regularly reviewing additional premium projects to consider for acquisition.

@CEOCA_Ximena Ivan, tell us why haven’t you released more drill results and when can we expect them?

@CoppernicoIR Hi Ximena, thank you for the introduction. We have just commenced our 17th hole of our planned 35 hole drill program, we have results from 12 holes pending, we plan to start releasing results over the next few weeks as they become available.

@CEOCA_Ximena It sounds exciting! What are the key takeaways from the drill program so far?

@CoppernicoIR The Sombrero skarn and porphyry opportunity represents considerable and multiple targets. Like all skarn systems, it has a complex geometric structure, but we are systematically vectoring to key parts of the system where we hope to make a considerable discovery. Our early drilling focused on a major step-out campaign to identify prolific areas of mineralization, while gathering knowledge of where we want to focus next.

@CoppernicoIR Hole 4 intersected 19 meters of 0.50% copper and 27 meters of 0.21% copper which is the grade we are pursuing. Holes 14-17 have followed up on this intercept and are pending.

@CEOCA_Ximena What is the significance of this Phase 2 of the exploration program?

@CoppernicoIR Phase 2 builds on the valuable insights gained from Phase 1, allowing us to refine our targeting strategy. This phase is focused on following up on the successes of Phase 1 while prioritizing high-potential targets identified through our initial drilling data.

@CEOCA_Ximena Great and you previously reported that some of the most prolific targets are not yet permitted and are within the proposed 200 pads submitted for permits. Will you “slow roll” the current drill program to insure there are sufficient funds remaining to include a couple prolific targets once permitted to improve the odds of making a discovery prior to conducting another equity raise?

@CoppernicoIR We would likely pause after hole 20 in the event that we don’t see a notable discovery hole in an effort to save 15 holes for the most prolific areas which have previous drill intercepts of consequence. The system is large and it’s a strongly mineralized system, however skarn exploration is drill intensive and we want to make sure we drill the most obvious targets with our current treasury as we learn about the rest of the system and develop a pipeline of targets.

@CEOCA_Ximena Thanks Ivan, tell us how does the current progress compare to the company’s expectations?

@CoppernicoIR So far, the initial drill results have met our expectations in terms of skarn geometry and mineralization characteristics, though they have not yet met our discovery goals. With several results are pending, we remain very optimistic about certain pending assays as well as new targets we plan to drill in the short term.

@CEOCA_Ximena Ivan, you previously reported you were under budget, so do you plan your drill deeper into remaining targets or as previously mentioned add an additional drill rig?

@CoppernicoIR We would use any excess capital to drill more holes and our depth of drilling is always a reflection of what we see in any hole we drill.

@CEOCA_Ximena On that, will there be an expected capital raise this year?

@CoppernicoIR Capital raises in 2025 would be completely results and share price contingent – at this time there are no fundings planned in 2025.

@CEOCA_Ximena Are there any potential partnerships or joint ventures being considered?

@CoppernicoIR Not at this time, we are well funded and we have some exceptional targets to drill, further information about these targets will be released shortly.

@CEOCA_Ximena Great! Do you have any interest or timeline to pursue Macha Machay?

@CoppernicoIR Yes, its in our pipeline.

@CEOCA_Ximena How does the current geopolitical landscape affect Coppernico?

@CoppernicoIR Peru’s geopolitical environment has improved, with positive developments in community relations, government, and permitting. We continue to maintain strong local relationships and long-term access agreements, positioning us well for ongoing exploration.

@CEOCA_Ximena Thank you Ivan, before we go tell us what milestones should investors look forward to in the next 6-12 months?

@CoppernicoIR Key upcoming milestones include ongoing drill results with potential for a significant discovery, and permit expansions to access high-priority targets, including Fierrazo, which has 8 previous drill holes that have hit considerable copper and gold.

@CEOCA_Ximena CEO.CA would like to give a big thanks to Ivan Bebek and our investors for joining us today! A transcript of today’s session will be available shortly. Have a wonderful day everyone!

@CoppernicoIR Thank you, Ximena and CEO.ca team for making this happen. Should anyone have any more questions, email us at info@coppernicometals.com